Booking Luke LeFevre


Luke LeFevre is 26 years old and lives in Nashville, Tennessee with his wife Rebecca and his daughter Evelyn. In the past 3 years alone, Luke has seen over 1,000 high school and college students respond to the Gospel in his city and has spoken to over 1 million people across the nation through events […]

Luke LeFevre is 26 years old and lives in Nashville, Tennessee with his wife Rebecca and his daughter Evelyn. In the past 3 years alone, Luke has seen over 1,000 high school and college students respond to the Gospel in his city and has spoken to over 1 million people across the nation through events like IF:Gathering, Q Culture Summit, and more. Luke is the founder and CEO of a student and young adult movement called Consecrate, which calls his generation to radical holiness, audacious faith, and total devotion to Jesus & His mission. He holds degrees in Speech Communication, Christian Ministry, and Strategic Leadership and lives with a passion to see revival in the Church and awakening in America.

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  • Featured in the 20th Anniversary Issue of Outreach Magazine as one of the top 20 young leaders to learn from
  • Spoken at Conferences such as IF:Gathering and the Q Ideas Culture Summit
  • Featured on Barna’s ChurchPulse Weekly Podcast hosted by Carey Nieuwhof & David Kinnaman
  • Featured on Jennie Allen’s Made For This Podcast
  • Leaders who have partnered with Luke’s ministry, Consecrate, and spoken at their yearly conference include: Matt Chandler, Jennie Allen, Jonathan Pokluda, John Bevere, Lisa Bevere, Gabe Lyons, & Rebekah Lyons.

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